Friday, August 26, 2005


                    SPIRIT OF THE FUTURE:  Attitude is Everything

     When I consider the future of spirituality, many ideas and possibilities materialize.  Some of these ideas are surprising to me at first, but as I reflect more deeply, the more faith I have in their validity.  In spite of the fact that many people, including Howard Clinebell, author of Anchoring Your Well Being, believe that our world is in the midst of a spiritual crisis, I am of a somewhat different opinion.  In fact, I really don’t believe that a “true” spiritual crisis can exist. Why? Well, it seems to me that all events can be perceived in a variety of ways, ranging from a very bleak and negative perspective to a very rosy and positive perspective.  That’s right. I am emphasizing the word perspective very intentionally.  To say or to believe that a spiritual crisis exists reflects a very negative point of view.  Now notice that I am not claiming that this is an incorrect point of view.  I am simply observing that it is a negative point of view.  (It is important to respect and incorporate as many viewpoints as possible before drawing a personal conclusion about an issue.)  This point of view may have emerged from considerations of international conflict, poor physical health, social dilemmas, or a variety of sources—but regardless; it emerged from a state of mind.  From my current standpoint, I believe that in some inexplicable way, we not only perceive our environments, but we also create them.  I will have more to say on this, but for now allow me to backtrack briefly and further explain why I have emphasized the word perspective.  Consider if you will an event such as a forest fire.  A forest fire can at first glance yield nothing but negative results—trees, homes, various forms of wildlife are devastated in its wake.  However, that forest fire, despite its power, energy, and influence, has definitely not terminated the universe—where the term “universe” is defined as all matter, time, and energy.  The universe is a continuous state of creation and destruction.  Although energy may be changed in form, it cannot be created or destroyed.  Thus, while the forest might be devoured by the fire’s energy at one level (or dimension)—that is, at one perspective--the process of reconstruction at some other level, or perspective, is underway at all times.  It follows then that any asserted “crisis”, as well as any other event or experience, is a matter of perspective…attitude, if you will.  If this is indeed the case, then it is reasonable to conclude that any assumed “crisis” can also be an assumed challenge, which can also be an assumed blessing.  At the risk of sounding cliché, I boldly quote, “Behind every cloud lies a silver lining”.  I believe this argument encapsulates the essence of spirit and wellness. Furthermore, I believe that as human beings continue their long strides in science and technology, this rendition of spirituality will increasingly burgeon.
     With all that having been said, one might rightfully ask, “Well, so what?  What are the meaningful implications of this rationale as it pertains to ones wellbeing?”  Well, it seems to me that this way of thinking bestows upon each one of us a significant amount of power.  It in effect implies that we each possess the power and energy of the universe within ourselves—within each of our cells, within each of our atoms, within each of our subatomic units.  So, if the universe--if all the power of God is within us as well as outside us—then we are truly one with God (that is, the universe itself—all matter, time, energy)!  In a loose manner of speaking, we are God.  As such, we are creators as well as perceivers!  As prime movers and creators, we have the inherent ability to choose, to control our destinies—our physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.  We have at our disposal the power to transcend and to see beyond, to envision a larger context, to reconcile apparent contradictions, and to—paradoxically—recognize limitations despite it all!  This concept of “limitation” is just as important as the concept of “no limitation”.  In fact, all opposites—principles of push and pull, attraction and repulsion—are essential to balance and wellness…and to reality itself.  Ideas themselves cannot exist without the acceptance of opposing forces.  Without the forces of gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear force, we have no energy…no light, no heat, no language, no meaning, no motion.  Is this possible?  It seems as though my reflection has brought me to a conundrum—a limitation.  It’s all good though, because I am smiling as I see (and create) the light!  Wellness is dependent upon nonwellness!  Grin, chuckle!  Attitude is indeed EVERYTHING!!

               The path of life seems to be mostly difficulties, things
that give trouble. Yet the longer we practice, the more we
begin to understand that those sharp rocks on the road are
in fact like precious jewels; they help us to prepare the
proper condition for our lives. The rocks are different
for each person. One person might desperately need more
time alone; another might desperately need more time with
other people. The sharp rock might be working with a nasty
person or living with somebody who is hard to get along
with. The sharp rocks might be your children, your
parents, anyone. Not feeling well could be your sharp
rock. Losing your job could be it, or getting a new job
and being worried about it. There are sharp rocks
everywhere. What changes from years of practice is coming
to know something you didn't know before: that there are
no sharp rocks--the road is covered with diamonds.
-- Charlotte Joko Beck in "Nothing Special: Living Zen"          



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