Sunday, September 11, 2005


                         LIP FLAPPING ON LABEL SLAPPING

     HA!  Here again I wish to speak out on the nature of words and the subtle art of communication.  More specifically, however I wish to discuss briefly how this ties to the human tendency to categorize phenomena, both mental and physical.  (One might astutely note that I have just made a categorical distinction between “mental” and “physical” phenomena.)  Indeed, good communication often requires precise “operational” definitions of terms among working professionals in order to articulate ideas, theories, and hypotheses of various sorts.  This is especially true within the “natural” and “social” sciences.  If scientists cannot agree upon the criteria that define a particular condition or event, they have no control over that condition or event.  Thus, as human beings, we strive to control words so that we might articulate ideas about phenomena.  In turn, we aspire to gain control over that phenomena.  Point being—to label is to articulate is to control, control, control.  But what happens when we seek to label a particular quality, or mesh of qualities, that define a sentient and reactive human being?  I ask whether it is even possible to pigeonhole a human being?  My immediate response is that any attempt to do so is egotistically motivated, harmful, and ignorant.  Allow me to illustrate.
     I am an enthusiast.  I have interests and passions.  Some would call me an extremist in certain respects.  At the same time, others would call me a slacker.  Hey, you know what?  Sticks and stones!  I tend to chuckle at how utterly meaningless an endeavor it is, especially for those employed in the mental health disciplines, to conveniently slap “normal” and “abnormal” labels upon people and their behaviors.  The problem is not so much the label per se, but the stigma that often accompanies that label.  This accursed stigma in turn only serves to hinder the person’s inherent expressive powers and to promote feelings of spiritual unrest…or “dis-ease”, if you will.  Allow me to express an opinion about scholars in general, and psychologists in particular.  They are ALL, completely and utterly, no doubt about it, no questions asked, egotistical bipolar head cases!  And I say this with the utmost respect!  For I am also of the opinion that TRUE, UNSULLIED Psychology is the meaning of life itself!  I mean, come on, what is Psychology, but the study of the human mind and behavior?  The word most literally can be translated as “Study of, or knowledge of, the soul”.  Make no mistake about it—Psychologists are extremists.  They have undergone and survived the wrenches of graduate school, they have been immersed in the politics and the dog-eat-dog world of academics, and they have wallowed throughout in the elevated ivory towers of abstract theory.  Let it be patently clear that these people are maniacal in their endeavors.  Euphemistically speaking, they are “elitists”—the statistical aberrations, the outliers!  And yet, for some odd reason, they seem reluctant to acknowledge that excellence depends upon such maniacal qualities.  Excellence, by definition, is not normal!  It is, by definition, that which exceeds “normal”.  But let us cut to the chase and be intellectually honest here.  “Normal” does not exist any more than a point in time or space exists.  So in order to “scientifically” comprehend or communicate this shadowy term of “normal”, one must be willing to think in terms of  “continuums”, and one must realize that these continuums are sliced and diced arbitrarily, at the whim of whoever it might be who feels compelled to play the role of Label God Almighty.  Ah, but this is the nature of the Beast!  This is the nature of the GAME!  We all try to reduce complex and multidimensional structures by dissecting them into ever finer “units”, “concepts”, and “processes”.  Why?  Control!  Yes, that is correct!  Again I cast a light and label upon our behavioral motivations!  We are CONTROL FREAKS, MANIPULATORS—often to the point of being LEACHES, usurping the creative juices of others, locking them inside a box, for the sake of ego gratification and self-aggrandizement.  Let us strive to CEASE this vain and counter productive practice.  It is time that we ALL raise the bar so the MANIA becomes the “norm”.  Let us all tear down walls, break out of boxes, stomp on spirit crushing labels and march to the beat or our OWN damned drums!  Let us revel in the knowledge that we are all inexplicably complex, endowed with powers far beyond those which we have previously feared to imagine possible.  Let us take refuge in the notion that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, in the notion that infinity exists within the present moment, that the part contains the whole.  Let us rise above head shrinkage!  Let us vie for mind expansion!  Let us journey forth—brave, proud, unfettered!  RAH!
     Another day has passed, and still I refuse to release this topic.  I fear that I may have given the impression that I am altogether against the human need to “label” and “categorize” events, patterns, and entities.  This tendency is an unavoidable, in fact it is a defining, characteristic of the ego.  Without ego, without labels, there is no sense of identity, orientation, communication.  Thus, the process of “labeling” is essential to intellectual engagement.  However, it is a mark of ignorance for one to mindlessly slap a single “one dimensional” label upon a multidimensional construct, to attach a stigma to that single label, and then to focus exclusively upon that shallow, sordid label.  This practice may have little or no effect upon those of us who know the nature of the GAME and who can laugh at its strategies and idiosyncrasies, but it may serve to stifle those who put far too much stock in the opinions of others.  With that having been said, let us ALL become apt pupils of the GAME by looking truthfully within ourselves and realizing that we all have one thing in common:  we ALL exist and function on the fringe!  So let us just laugh, have fun, slap high-fives, and ride the wave of lunacy together!  Accept it, welcome it, make peace with it.  It’s all just good-old yin and yang folks!  The bipolar nature of the universe dwells within us all….


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