Friday, August 26, 2005


                              I AM I:  BUT WHO AM I?

     So you want to know a little something about me do you?  Well, since you’ve courteously granted me the stage, I will do my best not to bore you—although I make no guarantees.  I guess the best way to approach this is in a rather impromptu off-the-cuff manner.  In other words, I’m just going to jazz it up.  No, no—I don’t mean jazz up the “story” in terms of it’s sincerity and “truth”.  I mean jazz it up in the sense that I am simply going to type what comes to my mind without regard to my compulsion to find the “perfect” word or phrase of expression.  So for all you English aficionados and grammar police out there (bless you all), please bear with me and humor me.  I mean no disrespect to the beauty of language and the art of word construction and expression.  Now, that having been rambled, Who am I?  Maybe I should begin with “Who was I?”, or more properly (still can’t quite shed the grammarian in me!), “Who have I been?” (Note the use of the imperfect as opposed to the simple past—alas!  There I go again!)  Well, who I have been is similar in many respects to who I am today—with some experiential threads stitched within my fabric.  I have always been a hobbyist with many interests; I have always been able to find challenges and interests in relatively “simple” things.  The degree of intensity with which I have pursued various hobbies and interests has waxed and waned however.  Now, this is not so much that I ever “lost interest in” a particular hobby or specific discipline, as it is that I have always managed to gain interest in another while exploring the “former”.  In other words, my interests have always bled one into another. (A rather macabre image perhaps?)  It is as if the interest and pursuit of one discipline propels me to another; it is not the specific hobby to which I become addicted.  Rather, it is the discipline itself and the acquisition of knowledge—the expansion of the mind.  All right, so what?  What have been, and what are my current interests?  Well, geez, they are many and variegated, and let me assure you that I am master of none…although, if I do say so myself, I’m not completely illiterate in any either (shameless pat on back).  Here goes, in no particular order (a euphemistic way of saying “haphazardly”):  rock collecting, reading, writing, plants, dogs, sports of all sorts:  waffle ball, basketball, Frisbee golf, air hockey, football, skateboarding, martial arts, boxing, running, Buddhism and other religions, language, Greek, Latin, French, literature, biology, psychology, philosophy, music (jazz, classical, rock, fusion, others), guitar, chess, bodybuilding, footbag….Oh, this is impossible.  As you can tell, I am listing both particulars and the general categories in which they lie, and therein lies much of my problem.  I simply enjoy and appreciate too many different things and do not like to “commit” myself to any single particular focus.  Why?  Because all of these things just seem to relate to one another naturally—in my unnatural mind that is!  Many have labeled me a Rennaisssance Man…which I guess is a polite way of calling me a neanderthal?  Well, if so, at least I am grateful that they have shown the respect to be civil with their labels…or libels as the case may be.  So what to do with this?  Well, if I knew, I probably wouldn’t be here pecking away right now.  I guess my “dream job” would be to exist as a professional—or rather as an amateur (for I am a “lover” of the game!) student, teacher, or Tibetan monk…but funds are scarce! And thus are my possibilities!  Gad!  I can downsize no more!  I love to learn, and I love to teach, and my ambition is to make a significant contribution to society.  In short, I want to self-actualize and to help others do the same during the process (as self-actualization is a journey that entails helping others to reach their potential contentment).  Right now I desire to earn money simply to keep my head above water and to be able to give something in return to a greater good.  I am including some further information about myself in the form of an abridged resume.  I also am working on a book that contains further information about myself.  Various excerpts can be found at  I hope that others will follow suit and bask in the spotlight for a while, as I am very interested in seeing what we all have in common.  I am sure that there are many things.  On that, I will exit stage left…and I will not even make an effort to edit this at this time!  (Although I will probably make modifications in the future—for the sake of my personal and fragile (in)sanity!)  Peace to you all gentlemen.


Todd F. Reinhard



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