Saturday, November 12, 2005


                                                 THE SOUNDS OF SILENCE

     Recently a little voice—I will call him AS—asked me why it is that I have not blogged for a while.  I found it interesting that AS had ventured such a question, since I had asked myself the same question on the previous night while eating dinner and mulling over the day’s events. I reached the conclusion that I simply have nothing left to say.  At this time, for the most part, I believe this is true.  Throughout my writings, I have expressed my viewpoints, my philosophies, and my myriad perspectives about this journey of life we all travel.  Now, my “intuition” tells me that, although the pen is mightier than the sword, actions speak louder than words.  Therefore, for fear of belaboring my viewpoints and beating dead horses (such a horrid image that expression evokes!), I request that you listen to my golden silence—and your golden silence, and the golden silence of ALL.

     I wholly intended to post that sole paragraph.  But as I completed it, sudden thoughts came rushing into my head.  I began critiquing this little paragraph, and I found myself thinking that it sounds as though I am saying that there is nothing more to discover on this journey worthy of writing about—nothing worthy of sharing, nothing worthy of discussion.  I thought to myself “Wow, what if some misconstrue my words—or lack thereof—as the indicating height of hubris?  What if they sense that I am expressing despair and hopelessness?”  So concerned was I with these thoughts that, despite the profound effect that I wished to create by means of terseness, I have decided to ramble on just long enough to clarify that I am not intending to shun anybody or any experience.  Rather, my intentions are just the opposite.  I am merely pausing…and I am inviting everybody to pause along with me. The purpose of the pause should be consciously realized:  to reflect upon past experiences and to prepare for those forthcoming.  It is well documented that growth occurs during periods of relative “inactivity”.  All the best to everyone.  Namaste.  


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